I have been SO cold all day, it is painful!
yes I have heat etc. but for some reason I just haven't been able to get warm ... hand and feet of ice. un peu de misére!
JY started a new project/client in Brantôme last Friday and we have been sharing morning coffee and lunch. so much is going on with mon monsieur and his spirits have been somewhat low. Not sleeping well hasn't helped him much. Monday, he brought his chainsaw and trimmed trees as well as cut up the big old pear tree that fell in the winter's storms. I spent the afternoon hauling and stacking wood, pruning up all the fallen branches and stacking them for kindling, and doing general yard cleanup. 3 hours of good exercise.
Yesterday, we decided to forego working...fired up 2 heaters in the kitchen and just hung out, surfed online, etc.
I made us a nice lunch with good wine and afterwards we started off for a walk around town that ended up being a 10+km hike in the hills for about 3 hours. (It was a bit warmer yesterday and the walking stirred our blood and body temps!). By the end of our 'balade', he was smiling and in better spirits. He returned home to his first good night's sleep in weeks. Bon! for both of us the activity and fresh air does wonders!
And today the temperature has dipped. The most activity I could muster up motivation for was washing my windows and vacuuming. I'm hoping after lunch I'll feel warmer? more energetic? and will boot my own butt back out to the garden to plant the lavender and hydrangeas I bought. and maybe mow the grass.
The sun seems to be peeking out but it is still so cold.....Jean-Yves made me a big fire plus we had some pineau de charente to try and kick-start some bloodwarming....
I'm having guests for lunch on Sunday and I'm going to do an Indian feast of sorts. I'm planning lamb curry, kashmiri chicken, aloo gobi, raita, salad, naan and can't decide on dessert...found a wonderful recipe for cardamom and nut ice cream but in this glacial weather, don't know. maybe a simple fromage blanc with an interesting coulis. also need something fun for a starter. ideas?
Just had a visit from a man selling frozen products. He asked me what I bought. Icecream????? In winter?????? Another reason why the Brits are sooooooo weird!
So maybe not icecream to the french in winter ;-)
Good luck.
How about cheeseburgers. Do they have White Castles over there?
I'm blaming the weather for my sluggardness today too. I was at the gym and every step was a challenge. I talked to two other people who felt the pull of gravity this morning too. Our weather is warm though, in the 50s, but very humid today. Fog in the outlying areas.
I like a small cup of Dhall Surba (lentil soup) to start with a small piece of mint on top to clear the palatte. see link:
I would just leave out the rice. Bices to you and JY
have you warmed up yet?! as one who can't stand chill, i recommend cashmere socks, many layers, and hot water bottles wrapped in cloth for the foot of the bed. warm rules! i suppose spicy food will be a help, too...
Oh I know how you feel. I have only one heater in my apartment that works and that's not really saying much. A tiny box on the wall that radiates no heat unless you're standing against it yet still continues to suck up electricity. There have been days that I had to just stay under the covers. It's warmer here now too but some days......
My son gave me a pair of sheepskin slippers for Christmas and they worked wonders.
Here's to spring!
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