(the misadventures of an expatriate corporate dropout)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


je suis la ... :P

well, it has been a busy summer and now visitor season. My daughter was here for 2 weeks and then her boyfriend arrived ... they've just set off for a last week in Paris before returning to the states. My good friends Kathleen and David are here now for a couple of weeks. In the midst of visitors, I have been simultaneously opening the store, doing new furniture pieces, falling in love, working the vide grenier in Brantôme, working on plans to expand the business, making HUGE progress on my house with the help of friends and family.

So for the past several weeks (probably more like most of summer), blogging has not been on the top of the list. But I'm alive, thriving and contemplating what my next move should be related to writing.

I miss coming, chatting, hearing from you all, and blathering on about my petite aventures. I'll keep you posted!! xx


Delana@dujour said...

I'm just glad to know you're still there, busy and happy. Will wait....

The Pliers said...

Congrats on the progress on all fronts! It sounds very satisfying and love-filled.