speaking of jesus. yep, yep ... that's right. Apparently, jesus loves the french more than everyone else. Pourquoi? you inquire.
well, here in France jesus provides his card. exactly!
JY and I stopped in at the Cathédrale St. Front de Perigueux during our last jaunt to Perigueux. After lunch, we were still waiting for stores to open ... and I've been wanting to go inside and he had never been so ...
Neither one of us are 'religious' and yet, the cold silence and sheer awesomeness of the gigando organ and freaking amazing windows and gigantic chandeliers and such engendered some sort of reverence and we each purchased and lit a candle. Of course, I had to spring for the 2euro candle because it had a pretty picture of the virgin mary on it and i'm a sucker for a beautiful virgin. well, i tried to get away with just 1euro but monsieur pascual busted me and i sheepishly added the second one. blush. yeah, that's right. i tried to rip off jesus in his own house. and he STILL gave me his card.
we tiptoed through the entire, cavernous place and examined the tombs and crypts and what-not. we giggled at the apparently petit stature of some of the notables (judging from their tombs ... yeah, what can I say ... immature much?!) umm, yeah, actually quite a LOT of giggling occurred ...
on our way out, I spied a small table with pictures of jesus. as I came closer to examine, I noticed that jesus was ALSO kindly offering his card ... in case, i suspect, some personal follow-up was desired.
so that's right bitches (apologies to any I offend), I got the hook-up. jesus' calling card. if you're nice, i'll put in a good word for ya. and if you're not, well ... no promises, no promises. i TOLD you france and her people were better, now I've got proof!!
(here's proof for all you haters ... ) ((do you think I'll burn in hell for posting this on dimanche?)) (((ducks lightning bolt)))
You are so busted lady! Go straight to your room. :-)
Now you must go to la Basilique de St. Denis and visit the equivalent of Elvis, Louis the 16th and Marie-Anoinette. Then you'll be covered by Jesus and the rock stars of 1793!
Sounds like you had a splendid Sunday! I'm happy for you as mine totally sucked--the move, again. Oh well...
Wow, you have friends in very high places and I am related to a Saint. We are in, baby!
lol- ripping off Jesus, it's almost as bad as stealing library books.
I must admit, when I went into Notre Dame in Paris, I had a moment or two where I wished I could be religious.
forgive me rigsby, for I have sinned!
laF-oh god! sorry!
Michelle-if ever I could be inspired, it would be in one of the gorgeous churches in my new well-loved land.
I've been to mass at Notre Dame in Paris. It's stunning and worth it.
Mr C and I sometimes go to Sunday mass. The local priest is not your run of the mill priest. I'm not sure where he is from because France is not his native tongue (he once used "level" instead of "niveau" and he had to be reminded of what the word for building site was (chantier)).
Also? His name and physical charactaristics are sort of Arabic.
It's pretty awesome really. His sermons are neat.
There is so much blasphemy in here, I don't even know where to begin, but it's alright. That noise you hear? The four horsemen comin' down the road.
Cathedrals are cool, though.
mrs c~ I've considered sitting in ... maybe this summer when I won't be chilled to the bone.
RG~bring'em ON! ha.
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