(the misadventures of an expatriate corporate dropout)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

fatigued ... fatigué

well, I'm suffering from fatigue...physical fatigue which has also translated into blog fatigue.

I'm working hard on a variety of projects and each night...I find myself tired, longing for a bath and some sort of mindless behavior. Now some might think that would mean blogging (especially MY blogging of late) ... but for me ... no. I haven't seemed to be able to muster up the steam to do it.

I have 2 or 3 posts sorted in my head ... but when I sit at the computer...I just can't seem to get it together.

My projects are...continuing with the renovation of the atelier I own in order to maybe have a small snackerie! Yes, there is such a thing - basically more of a café than full on restaurant, and it would operate only during tourist season.

The atelier is as old as my house and has required major cleaning and sorting out. The past week has found me in the grenier (attic) since I am the shortest of the duo ... first lugging and dragging the piles of wood that were stored up there and chucking them over the open 'loft' edge to the first floor. After that, I sorted and carried all of said wood to various destinations (storage or dump). Last night, I shovelled load after load of used sand into the wheelbarrow from the sandblasting project and hauled it to the garden area destined for a deck. I commenced about 6:00 p.m. and continued until dark (after 9 or so). During last week, several phases of exterior cleaning occurred with the stone using bleach, hydrochloric acid and some other special product only available commercially. It hasn't turned out JUST like we want, but we'll get there.

Today I climbed back up in the grenier and cleaned it. This was somewhat of a traumatic endeavor as I detest spiders and it was basically overrun with cobwebs and dead things. JY hauled the heavy-duty vacuum up there. First I vacuumed the rafter best I could so I wouldn't have a head full of detritus. Then I swept the ceiling and floor down, put the piles in sacks and hauled them down the ladder. Then I vacuumed the entire thing.

This afternoon (after preparing lunch, eating in the sunshine in the garden, and sharing a 30 minute or so siesta) we returned to the atelier. JY taught me how to mix mortar in a wheelbarrow and I mixed loads of it and slopped it into a bucket which had a rope on it ... he hauled it up to the makeshift scaffold and repaired the stone walls.

Several nights have been spent sorting a huge load of jewelry inventory that JY has donated to another cause. I'm preparing a stand that can be used at brocantes and vide greniers (flea markets) to sell on the weekend and generate some cash for our projects. Not sure how that will fly, but my attitude is plant several seeds and see which one takes!

I've also commenced preparations for planing my potager (kitchen garden); we've marked out the space and treated it, next week the area will be tilled and then we proceed with planting.

I also broke out the hand held jackhammer thingamajig and removed old, burnt stucco from the rear wall of the fireplace.

Week-end before last I took a lovely 3 hour walk around Brantome, exploring an area of the village I drive by and 'bookmark' but never went to. I've posted some pictures on flickr (sidebar) that include an incredible dolman at the entrance to town and a beautiful, privately owned chateau that I trespassed upon since no one was home. Well, I think I know who lives there (an old English couple) and ages ago when we came across one another in a restaurant he told me to stop by any time! So if I found the right place, I guess I was invited. It was incredible to me that 2 people could benefit from such beauty and it isn't shared more.

I still want to tell you about my African motorcycle adventure. And I will. As soon as I can muster up the chops to do it justice.

For now, I just have to beg tolerance with my blogging blues.


Randal Graves said...

We understand why you haven't been blogging, especially after your revelation here of just how lazy you actually are. Cleaning and hauling and jackhammering shouldn't tkae that long, slacker American.

M said...

I just woke up and this was the first blog to come up. I'm worn out reading that and think I will go back to sleep.

That's an incredible effort you are putting in there. I wish you success with your ventures.

La Framéricaine said...

Hey! I've just been packing and pushing papers around and I haven't blogged for a week. So, you are definitely entitled to be a total blog slacker, under the circumstances.

I do hope that you have been keeping a scrapbook or notebook on your "house beautiful" adventures. It will make a great book with you and JY as the hardworking protagonists!

Two thumbs up on the snackerie! I love that idea.

Stacey said...

Well, if I had YOUR reasons for not blogging, I wouldn't feel guilty at ALL! heh.

I can't even get my paperwork done, and you're jackhammering! Kudos :)

Our Juicy Life said...

First you are blogging...about your daily life. Nothing wrong with that. I love hearing about your day, what you and JY are working on, the house, brantome, etc...your African motorcycle adventure sounds cool, but this is also very interesting to me.

Anonymous said...

Although an enthusiastic reader for some while (and of your archives) I seem to have missed knowing who JY is!?

I agree with above - feel so lazy now...

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

randal~ Slackers of the world UNITE!

michelle~ thanks and you know what?! I, too, was even more tired reading it! no wonder I feel like I need a nap every midday ...

LaF~ well, the written record is mostly here, but there are lots of pictures which hopefully can spark more memories.

Like today, climbing a ladder to the 2nd story grenier and collecting roof tiles, 5 at a time, balancing them upon my descent and restacking them for storage near the garage.

Who needs a gym with this regime?!

Stacey ~ avoiding that April deadline too?

Notre Vie ~ ya know, that's a big part of it. For my blogging career (lol), I've tried to do more than a journal ... at least occasionally ... and I've been too exhausted to reflect and pontificate. le sigh.

Anna ~ well, cool! I need all the fans I can get. JY = Jean Yves and he is indeed peppered throughout my archives. does that help?

JChevais said...

Your renos astound me. I suddenly feel very lame at the idea of hiring a fellow to do our tiling...

Riana Lagarde said...

dang girl!! i have been very nap happy lately too and a bad blogger. time for me to get to work, you make me feel like a slacker, lol!

cynthia in france said...

Having blogging blues is OK. I get them too but have the escape of just posting a video instead of writing. My hubby and I are motorbikers so someday I hope to hear about your African tour. Sounds fascinating. I live in the French Alps so we can only bike about 8 months a year because of the COLD. Im enjoying browsing your blog when I have a spare minute. A bientot. Cynthia in France

Utah Savage said...

I'm so honored that you dropped by my place this evening and left me a lovely message. For a moment I knew I was love and was capable of love. It is a generous gift my friend. Thank you.

I'll be back. I've missed you. Sick and stuff. It's almost over.

Travel app reviewer said...

Hello Kim,

I'm feeling guilty for not staying through the winter to do the grunt work:) But KD and I have been hard at work rebuilding the barn. I had her manning (womaning?) the ropes as we lifted a 20' 2 x 10 to the support the roof. I'll have some masonry work for you on your next visit. Best to JY.


Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

gpops-yah yer on my list! ha! JY says coucou back and hopes to see you soon...(the feeling is mutual)