hey folks, this has been a week of striving towards re-creation of a livelihood. with varying degrees of success. and then collapsing each night from sheer exhaustion! which can be a good thing for life in general ... but a bad thing for blogging.
various efforts are underway, all with the sole purpose of not going broke and getting kicked out of the country. yes, even I of the "never a regret" variety have to come to terms with the fact that I am NO independently wealthy (je regrette) and must land upon a means of survival. that does not include my former recent participation in the corporate rat race.
so, entrepreneurship may be the result. and some side jobs (for which I continue to diligently search) in the meantime.
I'm a modern day juggler, with various projects aloft in the air ... so, now you see me now you don't. My blogging rate may have slowed somewhat but that is a temporary occurrence and in no way asserts a lack of interest on my part. I think of my various stories each day as I labor (for my current pursuits involve a great deal of physical labor)... which means not only am I getting smaller, I am getting a little cranky ...
this week-end I resolve to complete the tale of my African motorcycle adventure. and share the pictures from a recent walk in the village, which resulted in me loving my little spot even more than when I began. and maybe some pictures of my newest schemes and dreams.
in the meantime, I leave you with ... a picture of my alter ego .... bwahahaha!
I wish you the very best with your continuing work on your little house in Brantôme as well as with your search for gainful independent employment. I understand very well how necessary it is to conserve and replenish euros/dollars at this particular time.
I am so jealous of your weight loss. Arrrrgggghhh. I despair of ever losing a single pound again in my life:>(
PS Are you going to be around the house in April?
If a rich uncle ever croaks and leaves me vast amounts of loot, I'll be more than happy to send some your way. But they will be American dollars, sorry.
Back in the real world, I can provide half-assed bloggy support from across the pond. You'll find something sustainable, I'm sure. And if not, please don't kick our ass with your cranky-itis.
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