life seems a little strange and floaty these days ... my French, while improving, isn't at a standard to fully immerse myself in the news and happenings of my newly adopted country ... and while my circle of French friends has grown a bit, it isn't huge. so making the transition to stimulating discussions of culture and events here is going to take a bit more time.
and while I can keep up with the American happenings via internet news (since I haven't a teevee) ... I'm missing the context that is provided by living in the country, discussing and debating the haps with my circle of friends and former colleagues... and even if I were wanting to expand my circle of English speaking friends, they wouldn't be American ...more likely mostly English. Who are most decidedly quite different from us yanks.
so, my life is a daily glide of domestic tasks and my never-ever-ending list of projects, big and small, related to home renovation, business creation, homemaking, etc.
its like being suspended in a bubble, the transparency allowing me to view various occurrences from a distance, the thin veneer masking the sounds and making communications difficult and complicated.
I've noted the effect of this phenomenon on my writing and blog as well. when I throw my opinions around, I prefer the confidence in my conclusions that comes from pre-flying them within my daily life.
I'm going to have to ponder this situation and see what I can do to alter the course a bit. Some of the folks I'd really like to create a new circle with either seem to travel a lot, making interaction a bit more challenging ... or live a good enough hike that requires planning and overnight stays etc. which isn't always too practical.
hmmm. here's one case where maybe the bubble does need to be burst.
Don't waste any energy on America. It's still a goddamn mess. I'll let you know when it stops being such.
I think it's the pause between two notes that you're experiencing... xo
Beautiful piece.
Oh how I remember this...
all I can say is that I wish we lived closer. But you and the boys are always welcome and staying over is fine for us. hopefully we'll be able to see you when we get back from the states.
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