I had an injury today at the Brico Depot. I was pulling out a tube of mastick from the display and 2 others dive bombed the top of my foot. It was only about a 4 foot drop, but it was shocking how much it hurt. It hit the bare skin, causing a huge bruise and 2 cuts which immediately began bleeding.
I was in the slightest shock and surprise at first ... but then hobbled over to the welcome desk to ask for a band-aid. The very nice young woman there proceeded to grab a first aid kit and then guide me to a chair. She applied antiseptic and then a big patch of gauze was taped to my foot.
What can I say ? I have delicate feet.
I continued on about my shopping, which was really a feeble attempt at distraction from the fact that Johnelle left this morning.
We rose at 4:30 a.m. (arrggghhh!) ... well actually, I awoke at about 2:40 and failed to return to sleep because I was anxious about whether the alarm in my phone would work. Fortunate indeed because as I examined the setting in the dark, I realized that I hadn't selected which day I wanted it to go off. So we wouldn't have had an alarm. After that, I was convinced that there were other oversights and was unable to return to sleep.
We got on the road at about 5:15, heading for her 6:37 train at the Gare d'Angoulême. I've been back and forth there now so much this month ... I could almost autopilot it.
We arrived at about 6:15 a.m., leaving just enough time to get the ticket and haul the big ass suitcases up and down 2 flights of stairs!
I made my way back, sleepily, and crawled back into bed for a few hours. I then got up, again, sad ... and made my way into Perigueux for my Wednesday furniture hunt... and to Brico Depot for some paint and such.
I made a pitstop at Jean-Yves' work site ... but his client was there, so I couldn't very well cry on his shoulder. I kept my sunglasses on, we exchanged a few words as he leaned out the window ... and then I left.
After Brico Depot, I came home and climbed back into bed.
I'm going to have a good old fashioned wallow tonight and then ... tomorrow is another day.
I blame it on the mastick. damn mastick. damn you to hell.
( yeah I know there's catching up to do...I'm on it ... entertain yourselves with the new photos I've uploaded in the meanwhile )
I hope you've learned your lesson and will now wear the thickest Army surplus boots you can find. Shopping can be dangerous.
So sorry that you got hurt, baby.
It's a bitch when that separation anxiety kicks in. My mother always had it really bad with me and my sister. I suspect that it was doubly bad because you all had such a good time while she and Nate were there.
I hope that you will cut yourself some slack, have a good solid mope, rest, relax, reflect, and then let us know how you are doing overall.
Such a lovely pedicured toots. Ouch. Tis interesting how these things often happen when you're preoccupied with missing something or someone. Lovely pics of you both and sending you best wishes. xx
Ouch! Hope you're having a better day.
It is so sad to say goodbye! And then to hurt yourself - hope you treat yourself to some relaxation and something nice to eat and drink.
At least the nail varnish was unaffected. The moral of the story is never go to leroi merlins or brico without doc martins on
rg-shopping for new Uggs, does that count?
laF-that's the ticket!
artful-nice to hear from you! thanks for the good vibes.
misschris-this too shall pass...
amy-it is sad after we had such fun together.
rosie-you've been chatting with rg? lol
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