I've been procrastinating about my blog...don't know why because lots is going on, but haven't been feeling the mojo. sigh.
but to continue on about my day in Paris... after my great lunch and embassy adventure... I decided to walk and walk and walk...my favorite Parisian activity. Yes there were museums I love that I could have visited...or other cultural activities of which to partake ... but for me, on this day, exploring the wonders of Parisian streets fit the bill. I strolled along the Seine and investigated the contents of the vendor's boxes. All the same wonderful melange of old and touristy new. I strolled past the flower markets and the Tuilieries.
I spotted one of my favorite bookstores and had a gander. I continued on and came upon Angelina's, my all time favorite spot for the hands-down best hot chocolate in Paris. I decided to treat myself to an outrageous dessert.
I ordered their hot chocolate with chantilly on the side. This chocolate is thick and chocolatey, sipping chocolate. It comes in its own pot accompanied by another pot of chantilly. But of course, I had to further indulge in one of the most amazing strawberry tarts on the planet. Angelina's also serves lunch. But my god, why? (their lunches all look delicious and yet still I inquire ... Why?)
After an hour of savoring indescribably delicious sweets, I continued my march. Wandered around the gardens of the Louvre, admiring all the pretty creatures sunning themselves on this lovely day.
I then wandered back to rue St. Antoine and headed the direction of the Marais. I darted in a couple of stores to do a bit of shopping and by now it was time to rendez-vous with Lucille for drinks. We were meeting in front of BHV and funnily enough, it took us about 30 minutes to find each other, utilizing our cell phones. I mean, really it just wasn't that big! I did find time for flirtation ... the cutest cab driver caught my eye and we exchanged a few pleasantries...
Lucille and I went to our old stand-by in the Marais, la Perla. A faux-mexican restaurant where you can get mojitos (slurp) and chips and salsa and guacamole. Given we are both fans of anything even slightly resembling mexican, we always go there.
Lucille was an exchange student who visited us when she was 17 and Johnelle was 15. They instantly bonded and have remained wonderful friends throughout the years. She returned to our home a few times, Johnelle visited her here in France a few times, and eventually we travelled to France for her wedding. She now has a beautiful young daughter and is just a terrific young woman who I consider my friend as well. It was lovely being able to catch up with her.
I went from drinks with her to meeting Noèmie for dinner, also in the Marais. I was able to finally try a restaurant that I've been trying to get to for a couple of years. It coincidentally is located on the same street with the very first hotel I stayed at in Paris! that was fun too, being able to see the Hotel Jeanne D'Arc and reminisce about that trip. Johnelle and I shared that first trip of mine, she was 17 and was able to show me around Paris since she had been there for 6 months on an exchange program. We had a hilarious time. We actually did pretty well considering she was 17.
Dinner was a treat and it gave me the opportunity to get to know Noèmie a little better. A very impressive gal for 24 ... she has inherited Jean-Yves' drive and work ethic... She is also very pretty and chic. Bah oui, bien sur?! she comes from good lines!
So, as you can see ... I managed to pack quite a bit in to one day. I returned back to Chambly trés content ET trés fatigué!
I bought a plastic pastry from the rude and stupid register jockey at the faux food stand in the tower lobby this morning and look out my work window on an empty warehouse. But I'm not jealous of you one iota, nope. Please tell us more.
oh my... don't think I'm not thinking of our favorite city and our visit to see you last year right at this time... this year we are les miserables knowing we won't be able to enjoy the company of you and JI..
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