on special down at the local boucherie (butcher) ... a random cart in the middle of the lane, piled high with pig parts and veg ... and a sign proclaiming "your choice, 5€ a kilo" ... burrow around in there and you'll see piggy tails and piggy hooves as well as slabs of piggy pork ...
when it is snowing outside, a big hotpot is just the thing.
Piggy parts???!!!!
Yes Kathleen, Piggy Parts!
Right on this picture, you have all of the ingredients to make one of the easiest and best soup in the world! Just looking at the picture makes me hungry and it's 1AM!
This little piggy went to market...
Hooves? The frogs are some strange birds. Those carrots (if that's what they are) look mighty tasty though.
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