(the misadventures of an expatriate corporate dropout)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

bonjour ...

I'm not quite ready to start the tales of Africa ... so I am here to tell you about my first few days back and how productive I've been.

In fact, the 2nd room in my house is complete. well 95% so. It is hereby dubbed "ma belle salle à vivre" ... and I love it.

Thursday (first day back I remind you) I painted all of the floor moldings, applied 2 coats of wax to the floor, vacuumed my upstairs, mopped the stairwell and landing, washed a load of clothes and began sorting paperwork for taxation.

When I got home, it was to a leak in my basement. not just a leak, more like a steady spray. JY was going to come and have a look but the battery was dead in his car (I actually think the jet lag was the reason)... so he told me to get "l'epanne" (spel?) and try. See, my dogsitter had discovered the leak and had got a friend to come and try to turn off the water but couldn't. When I got home, I didn't have anymore luck with the water main.

But I took l'epanne and headed into the basement and fiddled with the pipe where it was leaking and lo and behold I got it down to a trickle instead of a stream.

That aside, this meant I had no water pressure. So no shower after a fucking ALL DAY JOURNEY home. oh, sorry. so anyway, instead I did all of the above and concurrently waited for the tub to fill. After a couple of hours, there was enough for a birdbath, which I took. And then (yay Riana for inspiration), I mopped my floors and stairs with the water. Cos I'm cool and green like that.

Also on Thursday, JY arrived to me making coffee on the campstove (when I left all appliances were disconnected and moved for the floors to dry). So we moved the stove into the kitchen and he connected it. and then fixed the leak in the basement. And called the fioul (that's fuel for you non-Frenchies) man for me because not only did I have water problems, I had fuel problems because somebody (!) turned on the heat while I was gone because she was worried about the dogs and thusly all of my fuel was gone and I had no HEAT! After that, he was too exhausted and jet-lagged to continue so he left and I turned into Mighty Mouse and did all that stuff I told you.

Friday JY arrived to me attempting to move furniture into my new room. So he helped me do that and then spent the day working on his truck that we sold due to my ad on Le Bon Coin (so far it seems akin to ebay, but I have to explore further).

I arranged stuff in the new salle and went to the Friday market and then we cooked lunch together (chicken parma cutlets and penne with fresh tomato sauce and macaroons for dessert).

This week-end I further feathered the new nest and washed more clothes and had coffee with a friend. And I relocated the 2 wood piles to new homes and went to Fiddler's Rest for dinner.

This week we commence work on the restaurant.

As far as Africa. It is out there percolating. I have procrastinated blogging because I am still sorting out the experience and my feelings and blah blah blah. So I was at the point of not blogging because I didn't know what to say or if I wanted to say it. But it will come. I'm not sure if it will be one big story or episodes. but in time. in the meantime, I posted a bunch of pictures on flickr.com.

and it feels just lovely to be home.


Rigsby said...

If I still lived in Scotland I would send you some lucky white heather. Still it's the thought that counts :-)

christine said...

It looks like a cozy place to come home to though. I love your yellow walls! I'm trying to find the same color for my kitchen.

M said...

YOu are a lady of fine taste. . . and endless energy, it seems!

Kathleen said...

So, I can just remember standing in that dusty, dirty room thinking about how it would look once the appliances were in, the walls painted, the floors done.. it's better than I imagined... how wonderful! Saw your pics of Africa... part paradise, part 3rd world, part amazing, part difficult... all in one, yes?!

we're back from visiting my dad in maine at the asst. living ctr... sad, but a good trip. k.

Nunhead Mum of One said...

How on earth have you got the energy? I think the "returning home" bit would have wiped me out for a couple of days !!!!

Randal Graves said...

The place is looking quite swanky. We'll be over later to trash it and raid your fridge.

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

rigsby-keep those thoughts comin, I need all the help I can get...

miss chris-thanks, it is a little more mustardy ochre than it looks in some of the photos. at first, it was schocking but I confess it has grown on me ...

michelle - I try! I do believe I am a hard worker, t'is true.

kathleen - can you believe it!? and did you notice the fateuil ? I brought it down from the bedroom, it just belongs in the new salle.

nunhead-I ask myself that often ... but my new life inspires me I guess.

rg-hurry up! I might even let you crank up a metallica song or 2. the keg is chillin' ...

La Framéricaine said...


"This week we commence work on the restaurant.

What restaurant?

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

LaF! it seems you are the only one who noticed ... and I should have said 'snack' because apparently that is a better term ... but yes, I'm going to try a little business here as a way to generate some income. I'm approaching high and dry ... and also need some gainful pursuit to occupy my time !