The movers arrived bright and early. They came on in, looked around, and said no way is this just 2 of those lift vans! Upon looking at them (said lift vans) in the truck....I concurred. What WAS the estimator thinking?
Much mad phone ringing later, I am now up to 3 and still pushing it, however the good news is I got them to reduce the price per foot quite a bit.
It was all too stressful. so I left, went to the closest McMenamin's and ordered up an Imbrie coffee. Brandy, coffee liqueur, steamed chocolate milk, flamed 151 rum, cinnnamon, nutmeg, fresh whipped cream. If that don't do me up, nothin' will!
I'm going to sit here, sip, write, and chill for a couple of hours. Maybe by the time I return the moving fairies will have abracadabra'd my stuff so it all fits perfectly .... did I mention how stressed I am? *orders 2nd witch's brew*
oh no.....why are things so hard...can't things just so smoothly, no, of course not! Waiting to hear how things went...are you just sitting in the house with nothing! What exactly are you taking?
Hopefully this finds you happy, relaxed and stress free (at least for today).
Perhaps something stronger to drink might be helpful.;-) Bon chance with the movers. Remind yourself often that this too shall pass.
alisa-it wasn't terrible just a little overwhelming! they took most of the major furniture and left detritus and storage items! I slept on the floor last night ! just like camping! ha-airbed going forward. So not exactly nothing left, but close ... I'm clearing out this house and renting it; moving in June to a little Seaside cabin I have until I leave.
la bellete rouge- welcome to my blog! I feel bad I whined a little yesterday, but I'm made of tough stuff and all of this is just investment towards my new life so its worth it.
You seem to be way ahead of the game and on top of things. FYI: I searched for jobs on linkedin and applied for one! wish me luck.
I love Mcmenamins pubs. I used to live in Portland where they were the best. The one I've been to in Seattle was only so-so.
loads of luck! on my blog I have a link to my linkedin profile, if you want to add me as a connection, feel free. I might be able to give you some intros, depending on your background! fingers crossed...
Santé and serenity, Kimberlee!
I'm sure that you feel substantially lighter now that the props have packed and shipped. They will get a whole new lease on life in France and cradle you in nice memories as you begin to create new French ones. Congratulations on pulling it off!
My libation of choice this week was the El Niño Margarita. Between Le Framéricain's jet lag sleep-off and my periodontal plastic surgery it was a tough week. TGIS&S!
Margaritas work! And no, not light enough yet so I keep on plodding. and packing!
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