A side benefit of following Tim's ventures is he's got a nice ass, so the view is good! (yeah, I said it.)
Well, Tim has a blog, which I also follow ... and guess what? Tim also has some great fitness ideas. So he's let the secret of the great ass out of the bag. He has a fairly reasonable plan for dropping 20 lbs. in 30 days. WITH * ding ding ding * no extra exercise. Check it out. It doesn't look exactly EASY, but it isn't impossible. And there's a free day every week.
I've decided to file this entry under reinvention! Unfortunately, Tim says the cheese fries probably aren't part of the deal. but they got your attention, now didn't they? What do you think of his plan? Is it *doable*? Is this the path to Missing You Already's String?
I have heard of this dude. I am dubious, but frankly 4 hours per week sounds dreamy. Sure makes my 60 look huge! oh man... i'm going to be 36 next month.... I need a brownie.
Hello and thanks for the visit.......I've added you! I've also added your photo of the day thingy because I was planning on doing something like that (but weekly, who has the time?) but this nifty little thing does it for me! hope you don't mind :-)
fot-all i can say is READ the book! every page, I was "un-hunh'ing" ... recognizing shared views. He offers good ideas as well.
Nunhead mum-Welcome!! thanks for the add and I'm glad you liked the picture of the day. One often wonders if anyone notices the sidebar stuff! have at it!
I am dubious of any plan that does not involve cheese fries. However, I do like the idea of working smarter not harder. Perhaps I will check out his book at the library.
And, hey, want to do a link exchange?
LBR-I think you'd like his ideas. His book isn't an all or nothing thing, he has concrete ideas for easing the load whether you want to remain in your currently lifestyle or completely reinvent. And yes on the other, but let me email you!
NO CHEESE FRIES?? I guess that means no queso and chips topped off with a couple of top shelf margaritas either :(
Oh well, I suppose making my derriere look nice in a bikini could be worth it.
I've been avoiding this guy because I don't have time to figure out how to work only 4 hours a week. Not a good excuse? Hmmm....
well....OK, I'll read it, but I think cheese fries might be needed.
Allison-now if I could only find a skin-reducing diet for my neck! where is it all coming from? LMAO. (she reveals the TRUE reason she is moving to France.... SCARVES!!!)
f.o.t.-mmm...cheese fries and brownies! And quitcher braggin' with the 36 and all. I feel old enough, 'kay?! (reference above post re: neck area!)
Hi there! I fell upon your blog through belette rouge! Am I a cult memeber too if I listen to his audiobook while I work? I followed my dream of moving to France too ... and I haven't regretted it for a second!
marie-welcome! yep, think listening counts! I look forward to reading more about your life in France...
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