The only thing I truly don't like about France is that my kids aren't here... *le sigh*
Joyeux Anniversaire, Ian! yep folks today is my favorite son's birthday and I love him a lot! and it doesn't make me happy that I can't give him a big hug and kiss today ... I had to settle for a phone call. But I suppose when I lived in the U.S., it was the same the last few years since we lived in different states!
well, isn't he lovely?
a mighty cool dude ;)It's weird how being in a different country makes a difference even if you wouldn't see them anyway.Brings home how far away you are I guess. When are you getting together next - need plans.
Those are some fancy threads, nice contrast to your no doubt less fancy gardening attire. ;-)
Oooh lala. He does look a bit too stylish for down on the construction site/garden, though.
Happy birthday, favourite son.
Wow, what a stud!
Adorable...looks like he's quite the charmer!
happy birthday!
Tres debonnaire. Happy birthday to you both! xx
thanks all, yes my son is a style hound AND he inherited my love affair with shoes. poor thing.
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