and now for my week-end update!
Today I arose and puttered about, eventually making a vanilla coffee to accompany a piece of apple crumble.
I put a load in the washer and proceeded to get dressed for a drive to Perigueux...my aim was to leave by 11 so I could stop at a trocante (thrift shop) before noon closing ... when I started my car it was 11:37! (I don't have a clock in my house except the one on my cell phone which I ignore).
So ... I shifted my itinerary and mosied into the centre of the old village and browsed the open air market. To my delight, because of the season there were loads of live plants and veg on sale. I bought 2 sacks of herbs and flowers and then went on for my 1:00 haircut. Then, after a distracting visit to a little shop where I bought 2 sundresses ... I went to the troc to return the used electric mower I had purchased (I negotiated a 4 day return before I did, thankfully) because it wouldn't hold a charge. Turned around and bought a little project table and a bamboo mat for my house. The table is a small, low square coffee table, the size I've been wanting for my salle a vivre but not the right color. It has fat bamboo legs and a wooden top. I'm going to paint it and be very happy with my 15euro investment. I still haven't found the aim of my visits, 1 or 2 old chests of drawers. There are 3 vide greniers tomorrow and I hope I'll have success there. wish me luck!
Tonight I'm meeting Amy and Eric for a bite and to hear some music (French group) in Chalus before they head out for their great Spanish adventure.
So ... that's what's on for my week-end!
(no. there is no Jane in this story and therefore I haven't called her a slut. But it got your attention, didn't it?! It always got mine when I heard Dan Aykroyd utter those lines ... and got my big laugh too ! ... guess you'd have had to be there.)
Have a great weekend! You sure have earned it if they must be earned!
Okay, I understand that European and American views of consumerism are different, and I certainly lean towards the former, but isn't a noon closing time a wee bit odd? I'm a morning person, but most aren't, thus the strangeness. Weirdo frogs.
I can't remember the last time I saw that old SNL skit in all it's slutty ignorance.
how do you think this title would fare for the coach's challenge? as you say, it would certainly get their attention??!! I luv it...
Whew, busy day. I might have to take a nap after reading this! Except, like you, I have become a bit garden-obsessed (a little Paris terrasse garden, not an expansive veg, herb and flower garden like you've got!) and need to pick up clippers and a replacement renoncule for the one that died.
P.S. Your lack of clocks is very Zen.
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