The radishes are already sprouting!
Today I also created a little herb garden just outside of my sun room. There was already a small, raised planting bed bordered with old stones. The space is only about a meter long, but we'll see what I can get out of it. I put in 3 lettuces, cilantro, chives, 2 types of basil, 2 types of parsley, savory and thyme. I'm sure, if they all start and thrive, they will be crowded in there! good!

let's see...what else ... JY had told me to swing by the trocante and check out a small electric mower he saw there. So a swingin' I did go. I got there at noon ... and dashed in. The fellow was nice ... no pouty looks because it was lunchtime. I came for a specific item, he could see I wasn't trying to sneak in and browse. He rummaged about and found it. It looked cute and they gave me a 4 day return option so I bought it. It has this chunky battery that you charge. I charged it overnight and part of a day and then took it out there and ...... drum roll ...... c'est NUL! that's right ... it's crap. So back it goes on Saturday. the blades whirred like the dickens but no GOOD cutting to speak of and it kept stopping.
but now I know that, yet again ... JY is right. I DO need a mower that isn't meant for a 180 pound man to wrangle with. So I'm on a quest.
Oh I know what else. I put up the cool rose trellis that the old owner fashioned in his forge. It is circular, bilevel and kind of rusted and cool. you position it over the rose bush and then the rose can grow up it and around. It is kind of bent to the side so it reminds me of a slanted sundial. I love it. and it was free. and a relic from my home. My house has given me so much, so many materials to work with.
I can't believe you didn't plant any sage, rosemary or Mrs. Robinson.
Since most stuff doesn't grow all that well in our clay-infested soil, I can't wait to see the finished products so I can be even more jealous.
hah! well rosemary is destined for another bed in the bigger garden ... where there is more sun and room...hmmm...sage ooh yeah and OREGANO!!! doh!!! back to the garden shop!
Here I go getting a case of the envies again. Every day or other day it rains and turns to snow. The nights are just a degree short of freezing. I'm still having the heater on. And I'm getting depressed. And I can't get to feeling well enough to brave the weather to do anything.
I did give you an award, my dear. It's at least three posts down. Maybe four. Come and get it. If you just don't want it, I'll pass it to someone else. One of my recipients seemed genuinely peeved. I'm guessing not everybody loves to get prizes as much as I go.
oh I'm so happy you will have your jalapenos!!!!
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