I'd like to acknowledge an award given me by Utah Savage. Most folks know I kind of shudder at awards, but this one has a lovely intent ... simply share the reason you love blogging. It was given by a person who obviously loves her blog ... keeping it entertaining and as an outlet for her terrific writing.
I have a love/hate/cringe relationship with blogging. I love the diarist aspect of my blog and yet can't write about everything I want to due to propriety and trying to be a bit circumspect. I also enjoy my (far too) occasional forays into the *real* writing element of my blog. I get angry with myself for my inconsistency in that regard. And then there are the many times when I reread my work and cringe ...
But the blog has also provided me the opportunity to document this crazy experience and life that I'm living. Maybe someday when I'm gone my kids (or others who care) can have a chuckle over my escapades.
And of course, the totally unexpected factor of blogging. That would be you ~ my readers. When I started this process, I never imagined the discourse that would ensue. The opportunity to find others on my same journey. or dreaming about such. or just enjoying the sideline view. Who knew I'd also encounter so many really talented folks, who write with sincerity and warmth and heart? And actually take the time to come by and read my blather, and share a word or two ... of encouragement, humour, advice, mocking, counterpoints ... and all the rest.
Blogs are like thousands of little salons around the world, where people gather and mingle and chatter and debate ... the only thing missing are the cocktails!
thank you, Utah Savage.
I'm not going to single anyone out ... I'm not very good at tagging, it stresses me out, but I truly would love to hear from others how they started and/or why they love blogs and blogging. Please share a comment if you're inspired!
The aims of this award:
As a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
To seek the reasons why we all love blogging.
Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
Sure, there aren't any cocktails, but on the bright side, I don't have to wear a tie.
Why blog? Good question. I'll let you know as soon as I find out.
Nicely done dear.
For me, it's my opportunity to stay close to you... to see you in my mind's eye, bent over your little baby plants in your new garden, or sitting my the fire in your bedroom reading, or whatever. Your blog keeps me up to date and shows me the newest pics... but mostly, because you write from your heart, it keeps me near you. The best part is that you're not afraid... to write, to reach out, to get it all down so you can share it.
hi there. nice award. keep blogging!
have a great day! :D
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