what better way to celebrate my 3 week countdown to my big French unknown than dinner and drinks with bloggess-extraordinaires such as La Belette Rouge and The World According to B, and maybe even Function of Time!
The rendez-vous is set for the ever fashionable Jo Bar, part of the Papa Haydn enterprise. of the delicious desserts and captivating cocktail fame.
Hey! there will be 4 of us fabulous women there! Kind of like our own little "Sex and the City" scene? hmmm. I'll have to report back on who is which character.... might be fun.
Don't you think it ever so kind for these talented women to commemorate my milestone in such a fashion?
well. okay. maybe it really wasn't about me. and I just kind of invited myself as a tag along. to bask in their glory and hope some of their writing mojo will rub off on me.
but it IS a coincidence worth reinventing in my favor, don't you agree?
You are one hot chick. I wish I traveled. I have a friend who lives in Portland, too. But my flying days are over and the wheels are 23 years old.
That little bit of story synopsis you left at my place got me to thinking... Come back when you have a minute.
i will await the details and maybe a couple of pictures? I'm spending my hot day (it's like 90 here in the marina) packing up the house! I'm sure a glass of Rose will be nice in about an hour. Cheers to you all.
WHOO!!! Have fun! (I know you will, HA!)
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