(the misadventures of an expatriate corporate dropout)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

L'ennui-Melodieux insisted I share this with all of you. Something about "or else"?


La Belette Rouge said...

So which demographic do you and Randal belong in? I think I am in the
"overeducated,unemployed, temporarily living with in-laws, but planning on buying a $5000- sofa democrats."

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

I'm in the "underemployed corporate dropouts over 40 lacking stoves, aligned with cheese eating French cowards and currently celibate though not by choice" segment.

RG will have to speak for himself.

Bruce Anderson said...

I'm in the "own a successful children's art studio but is happily without children" segment. Can't wait to hear RG's.

Randal Graves said...

When did I insist this or else? No matter. Knowing I have this power, I insist you wire me the money for plane tickets to France and a nice hotel for a few weeks. I need a vacation.

Let's see, I'd have to be in the "under 40 but inching closer, relatively educated but not enough to stave off naive delusions of being a poet and novelist who speaks atrocious French and is partially celibate because he pisses off his wife but it's not always his fault, honestly and would you kids shut the hell up already?" We're almost as important as soccer moms.

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

Okay, I confess RG didn't actually insist, well he didn't even request, in fact we never talked about it except in my head (I've named the political voice in my head RG but it sounds just like Jon Stewart) ... and the or else part well, that might have been "L'Ennui-Melodieux told me to do this. Or Elves.'

either way, it makes for an entertaining view, n'est pas?

and keep those segments coming ... it won't be worthy data till it surpasses 450.

La Framéricaine said...

Talk about leavin' me in the dust!

I'm simply not as quick or as funny as y'all but, truth be known, I'm in the "highly-unmotivated, under-employed, French-speaking, 'Law & Order' half-watching, blue-collar snob, trailer trash, slacker wannabe" demographic.

I loved that YouTube video!

Utah Savage said...

I'm in the over sixty pot smoking bipolar feminist ex fashion model unpublished novelist working on a collection of poetry living in my garage and renting my house so I can buy my pot so I can keep writing demographic.

Thanks for waking me up so I could declare myself. God I wish I'd found this first. I was the only laugh today, unless you count South Park.

Randal Graves said...

I'm thinking Frankenstein. If we combine all of our demographic features, though messy and bloody and the result will probably be a rampaging destroyer of worlds, think of the political clout we/it would have!

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

RG-I like the way you think! bwah-AHAH-ahahHA! "twirls fake mustache"

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

U.S.-we have crossover, maybe it is a whole new segment! glad to be of laugh assistance, now are you coming to dinner or what?

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

LaF-I could coin many phrases for you, but unmotivated wouldn't come to mind. But you DO sound like a democrat. whether you like it or not!