YOU are my 10,000th visitor! Yes folks, I've been stalking my counter these past few days as I neared the big 5 digits ... and a reader from Atlanta, Georgia just tipped the scales.
You've won an all expense paid trip to ..... blogland! Virtual paradise abounds if only you have the courage to brave the tempestuous waters!
And of course, thank you ever so much for stopping by today. Seems like only last week I installed that counter ...
Am I 10 001? (seeing as though you're counting?)
no Madame, it appears you may be 10,003. lol.
When I got up this morning, my counter was at 9,999 so I knew the next *state/country* that appeared on feedjit would be numero 10,000.
other than that, I can't keep track. not entirely surprising, I might add!
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