I'm leaving for the states in one week. ONE WEEK!!! crap, where did the time go? there are lists to be made, arrangements to be finalized, blah blah blah
I'll be heading to Portland, Oregon first for the first few days ... a reunion brunch with friends on Sunday and then drive to California on Monday. Spend the next couple of weeks staying with my daughter and friends (alternately, I suspect!) while we work together in the shop.
Thursday, December 11th we host our annual holiday reception and BLOW-OUT SALE (30% off this year, biggest ever!) from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Anyone reading that is in the SF Bay Area, please come on by. Details will be here on our store blog, Je Suis Mignonne. There will drinks and food and djmusic ... and of course, MOI! haha-haha!
Once Christmas arrives, we close the shop for a week or so. We will head back on up to Oregon to the coastal cabin (see my sidebar!) and have a little family celebration of our own.
Currently I'm set to return January 16th but may come back sooner ... I am not bringing the dogs and am a little anxious about the situation I was able to arrange for them. So I might return one week early.
While I'm gone, work shall theoretically (ha, no I'm sure it will) progress on my kitchen and home. It will be interesting to see, upon my return, what the new year will bring.
My french professeur, Laurence, has kindly set me up with a mini-program for while I'm away. I have a book to read and chapters to summarize in french and some other exercises which will be exchanged via email. I'm also armed with a list of french conversation groups I hope to drop in on for practice. I'm nervous about backsliding.
Of course I want to see family and friends, but the truth is I think I'd rather stay. sigh. Nearly every time I speak with someone (friends) in the US, I hang up depressed. Everyone is gloomy and upset and the sky is falling and what's next ... I'm happy in my french bubble.
Anyone out there in the states that will be in the Portland or SF Bay Areas 12/3 - 1/15 and wants to meet up ... give me a comment. And when I return, I definitely want to meet up with some of you frenchified bloggers and bloggesses. tout de suite!
Rats! I am going to be in the bay area from tomorrow until Sunday. I will just miss you. Unlucky me. Hey, come down to L.A. It is lovely here, you'll love it.Mwha-ha-ha-ha!!;-)
Hey, watch the shots at gloom. It's a thoroughly underappreciated medium.
Enjoy the trip, and yes, head down to LA, you can see Bob! ;-)
Randal: I am a gloomy gal too. So I am with you on that.
And, yes, Bob is a good enough reason to visit L.A. So Randal when are you and the family making the visit to the Mecca of movies and the Hollywood Wart Museum?
I don't think I want to meet Bob. sorry lbr. You redux, bien sur; but Bob is like that embarrassing family member you hide in the back bedroom.
I, thanks to all my readers, have come to love and accept Bob and I no longer force him to stay in the back bedroom. So if you are afraid of him perhaps it is best I miss you in NoCal.;-)
Me, me! *jumps on furniture*
What's up with the doggies? We just found a lovely place for our dogs, it right by Figeac and 2 women who have 3 goldens have a lovely farm. all the dogs are kept in the house and sleep in the house, all fenced in yards, they work from home, love animals and charge - - - 10.00 a day per dog, c'est tout, in the states we would be charged like 90.00 a day per dog for them to stay on a lovely farm.
When you come back we WILL get together...promise.
France will miss you but I'm sure once you get there you'll have a great time.
Lbr- you know I was joking, I accept you unconditionally ... warts and all! lol
Stacey-mais oui, bien sur ! can you say MOJITOS?? I'm there 12/4 -12/7 and then after Christmas for at least a week so I am sure we will be consuming. and yakking. and yukking it up!!!
OJL-I have someone coming daily to feed and walk them. And JY is here every weekday. But my last week is kind of sketchy at this point ... so we'll see. And it is costing me 200euros for five weeks ... so economical. but they will be alone at night ... but inside together and warm.
I just keep telling myself not to project my human feelings on my dogs. but it is hard.
Lbr- you know I was joking, I accept you unconditionally ... warts and all! lol
Stacey-mais oui, bien sur ! can you say MOJITOS?? I'm there 12/4 -12/7 and then after Christmas for at least a week so I am sure we will be consuming. and yakking. and yukking it up!!!
OJL-I have someone coming daily to feed and walk them. And JY is here every weekday. But my last week is kind of sketchy at this point ... so we'll see. And it is costing me 200euros for five weeks ... so economical. but they will be alone at night ... but inside together and warm.
I just keep telling myself not to project my human feelings on my dogs. but it is hard.
I had my first Mojito at Max's Opera Café on Van Ness near City Hall, a block up from the State Building on Le Framéricain's birthday weekend in San Francisco. It was sensational!
I can appreciate your reluctance to leave the babies behind, although, for your sake, I'm glad that you are and that they are staying home. Leave them one of your old work shirts to sleep with while you are gone.
I'm not the least bit surprised that your calls to and from home are a bit on the discouraged, if not depressing side. Although you can't accuse the President-Elect of sitting on his butt waiting for his inauguration. His initiative-taking is about the only thing that is keeping my spirits up at the moment.
It's going to be really interesting for you, after 5 months firmly ensconced in Brantôme, to hit the ground running for the Christmas season in the USA. I'm officially going to start listening to my Christmas music library tomorrow at work before we close up for the Thanksgiving administrative break!
Bon voyage, Kim!
Though I only see what is happening in the US from afar, I can understand why you are reluctant to leave your France home at the moment. From what I understand you are really finding you groove right about now.
Not that it's any of my business, but do you need to stay away so long, or is that some kind of visa thing? Feel free to tell me it's none of my business if you prefer.
I had a look a while back at your shop and cabin (being the nosy person I am). They are both gorgeous.
I'd rather spend any day at your place in Brantome, than here. But after all I do live in Utah. We are on America's shit list and for very good reason.
I hope you have a lovely time and that there will be posts from the West Coast while you're "home."
michelle-I promised my daughter I would work with her through the holiday season; and then we typically spend the days AFTER christmas as our holiday.
US-yeah. you DOES live in Utah (lol); I will post from the states but maybe not every day.
LaF-the workshirt is a splendid idea! and since I haven't got a shred of the holiday spirit, I imagine it WILL be quite shocking to arrive in consumer heaven.
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