ça vaut la peine (it's worth it)
à peu prés (approximately)
s'a me touche (it touched me)
se sentir bien/mal (I'm feeling good, bad)
combien de temps (how long, referring to time)
combien de fois (how many times)
J'ai besoin de ton aide (I need your help)
Je me suis bien amusé (I had a good time)
appeler = téléphoner (to phone)
ça t'a plu? (did you like it?)
oui, ça m'a plu or non, ça ne m'a pas plu
faire la grasse màtinée ('sleep in' morning)
Mes amis m'ont dit que (my friends told me that)
il m'a dit/elle m'a dit (he/she told me)
un roman (novel)
perdre les clés (lose the keys)
à l'étranger (abroad)
un étranger (a stranger)
sauf (except)
je n'ai pas bien dormi (I didn't sleep well)
une autre fois (another time)
enlever (take off)
Merci pour ton aide (thanks for your help)
se tromper (mistake)
prendre un verre (take a drink)
Tu aimerais déjeuner avec moi? (Would you like to have lunch with me?) chez moi? (at my house)
faire les devoirs (doing the homework)
Oh, the poppy image is one that will be incorporated into a mural on the ceiling of the 'cage escalier' (staircase) ... do you like it?
Of course, I love it! It's so California! Congrats on your ever-expanding French vocab and expressions. It's so nice when language is rooted in daily reality, non?
Was that you on Flikr with the tattoo in the stairwell? You look stunningly, compellingly beautiful. If it wasn't you, you better get that woman's secret!
Oui. Je t'adore. I know that's not right, but yes, I love it. Can't wait for the virtual tour.
LaF-the secret is being my daughter! lol, that is my daughter Johnelle in all her glory (and beauty).
U.S. - thanks
We are also incorporating some sparrows into the design - in honor of Edith Piaf, my favorite little sparrow. I wanted to introduce something that represented my California heritage here ... poppies seem to do it nicely.
The singles poppy makes me feel kind of lonely. It is beautiful. But, I read once that Feng Shui masters advise single people to not fill their house with paintings of women alone or other ones( one of anything, but rather have pairs--if what they want is to be paired). Feel free to ignore me if you think Feng Shui is total bull. It is a lovely poppy. :-)
You confirmed my suspicion! That woman's secret is her mother. The genes never lie! So much beauty in one family. Lovely!
I cannot wait to see the new jeans on the incredibly shrinking Kimberlee. BTW, I loved the in-house camping photos. They are so intime and endearing. I cannot wait to see you in your home.
Have fun in class next week!
LBR- there is another 'inspiration' picture with a field of poppies and sparrows. Good tips re: feng shui, I'm not a follower but definitely want all the good vibes possible - and not just solo, so merci!
LaF-isn't she trés adorable??
Another good list. The picture is groovy, definitely use it. Not that you weren't anyway, but you know what I mean.
rg-merci monsieur!
Hi there- I'm baaack. I just wanted to tease you for putting perdre les clés in both of your word lists - just being prepared? ;-)
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