Hopefully she will have some sort of phone service to alert me. (don't ask).
In the meantime, the completion of my new chambre has coincided nearly precisely to allow us each our own resting space. I came home from my language class yesterday to a completely serene bedreoom - Jean-Yves had emptied it, finished off all small details (some electrical outlet plates, sanding here and there), swept, vacuumed and mopped the floors and stairwell! There are studios in Paris that aren't as large as my bedroom and without the gorgeous stone fireplace.
Now, when we left Brantome for Perigueux it was sunny, clear, and HOT. We had lunch at a nice place by the river in Perigueux. As usual, we laughed our way through lunch and then on to BricoDepot. It is funny because I really don't observe a lot of the French laughing as much as we do. We got to BricoDepot, sorted out the insulation, and then went into the main store to buy the rest of the things on the list. More giggling and checking off of J-Y's list, and then we exited to discover completely dark and menacing skies and the beginning of drops.
He raced around to add straps and tighten them and leaped into the cab of the vehicle just as the heavens parted and the deluge began. "Trés typique!" and more cracking up as we returned home. We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies in a hurricane.
So today, I have to move the bed into my new room, sort out the set up of the other bed (not an easy task because it is a queen-sized bed and the boxsprings is still down in the atelier because the movers couldn't figure out how to get it in the window but J-Y swears it will come). I can only envision our peals of laughter as we attempt to maneuver it up the wall, onto the roof and through the window with nary a centimeter to spare.
Meanwhile, insulation will be installed in the "grenier" and much "nettoyez à l'aspirateur" will also occur up there.
Here's some various photos of the finished room, including a picture of the view from my new "chambre". Today, when I opened the shutters I saw three rabbits scamper away across the yard. I hope that's good luck.
The workaday world of academic administration and mundane a doctor's appointment wait Le Framéricain and me today, but I always make time to check up on your goings on.
Your room looks absolutely fantastic! Kudos to both you and J-Y for all the hard work you accomplished to bring it along to this point. It is quite an inspiration for me and my grenier in Le Blanc.
I am really excited for you and your daughter to have the next three weeks together in Brantôme and France. I can only imagine what a sense of accomplishment and triumph will fill you both after all those long hard years invested in learning French and dreaming of the new life that you are now living and are able to share with your children. Talk about a self-made woman!
Have fun, Chérie!
PS... Re: the French appearing not to laugh. It has been my experience that, as everyone knows, the French don't wear their laughter on their sleeve, in general, any more than their heart. However, if one takes ones time, one is often rewarded with substantial and deep friendships that are full of laughter and more.
Take a look at Corey Amaro's post, of a day or two ago, at Tongue in Cheek about her return to France and her visit to the antique shop. A very French encounter--moving and restorative.
The place is looking good! So, what, if she doesn't call, you drive from town to town, strolling through the various gares? Pshaw. Kids.
Hard work pays off. Hope when daughter comes you can take some time off to have fun. Oh, right, remodeling is fun.;-)
Looks great! Congratulations. :)
LaF-Yes, I have been glad to restart reading now that she has returned to France. That was quite an encounter. I'm going to try and get ma fille to speak some french with me, good practice for me and her too! thanks for your kind words.
RG-pretty much. and yep, no matter how old they get, still kids!
LB-well a sick kind of fun, yeah!
wcs-thanks much, it is rewarding to see progress, even if it is only one room!
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