Here is an example of something I've been protesting about for years.
"Retirement as a goal or final redemption is flawed ...: It is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life. This is a nonstarter - nothing can justify that sacrifice."
Another statement regarding simple alternatives when it comes to your goals and pursuing a career that causes you to dread Mondays:
"To buy all the things you want to have." OR "To do all the things you want to do, and be all the things you want to be. If this includes some tools and gadgets, so be it, but they are either means to an end or bonuses, not the focus".
Well anyway, Timothy Ferriss is the author of "The 4-Hour Workweek", and it is a truly inspiring read, expressing many of the pent-up feelings I've wrongly contained for, oh the past 10 years or so.
Some of the chapters read like the heresy I've been promoting in my own workplace for some time, with many a confused stare back: "The End of Time Management" (precisely why I've always refused to have a Blackberry ...); or "The Low Information Diet", promoting a one-week media fast (I'm planning mine now.) "Interrupting Interruption and the Art of Refusal". Come on, how many of us still need to learn the fine art of saying "No"? That's right. I'm looking at you!
If you are discouraged by your corporate career and are thinking of quitting your job ... you MUST read this book. No way around it.
I read this book last year and it blew my mind. It was the final shove for me to sharply reduce the amount I work and increase the amount that I live (it's so easy to confuse the two).
Not yet down to four hours a week, but I also highly recommend this book.
I wondered about that when I read a comment by you about the 80/20 rule ... a classic approach in business but not one we typically apply to ourselves!
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